QVC Spouts Contest Winner – PediSand hands-free foot file
By Larry Robertson, CEO | For and about inventors
The PediSand hands-free foot file won first place on QVC’s Sprouts Contest as the “Next Big Thing”.
By Larry Robertson, CEO | For and about inventors
The PediSand hands-free foot file won first place on QVC’s Sprouts Contest as the “Next Big Thing”.
By Larry Robertson, CEO | For and about inventors
Pcore (pee-core) made from postconsumer plastics previously classified as “non-recyclable”
By Larry Robertson, CEO | For and about inventors
We’ve been kinda quiet on social media platforms these past few months. That’s because the AON team has been completely covered up with projects. Several of the “innovative seeds” that had not yet germinated, decided to all sprout at the same time… and we’re not talking about subtle improvements to existing products. Some of these […]
By Larry Robertson, CEO | For and about inventors
Zabi wet clean concentrate certified noncorrosive despite pH higher than chlorine bleach
By Larry Robertson, CEO | For and about inventors
Bella Vista, AR, February 15, 2022 –(– A series of patents have been recently filed for a “smart laptop cooler” designed specifically for the powerful processors used in Windows gaming laptops. Features of the Smart Cooler include continuous digital readouts of CPU clock speed, CPU & GPU temperatures, and load monitoring. The Smart Cooler is powered […]
By Chris Tanner | Intellectual Property
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